Law and legal procedures
Civil liability
Constitutional law
Crimes against persons
Crimes against property
Juvenile law
Laws governing coroners
Laws relating to arrest
Laws relating to drugs
Probable cause
Rights of victims
Search and seizure
Traffic laws and
Use of force
Patrol operations and investigations
Abuse of elderly persons
Accident investigations
Basic patrol procedures
Child abuse & sexual abuse of a child
Domestic violence and stalking
Investigation of crime scenes
Principles of investigation
Interviewing and interrogation
The DWI Detection and FST
Unknown-risk & high-risk vehicle stops
Patrol Procedures
Performance skills
Health, fitness and wellness
Interpersonal communications
Operation of emergency vehicles
Provision of emergency CPR
Searching of buildings
Arrest and control of suspects
Training concerning active assailants
Training in the use of firearms
MACTAC - Multi-Assault Counter-Terrorism Action Capabilities
Writing of reports
The functions of a peace officer
Care of persons in custody
Community policing
Counter-terrorism and WMD
Courtroom demeanor
Crisis intervention
Ethics in law enforcement
Handling of persons with mental illness
History & principles of law enforcement
Management of stress
Survival of peace officers
Systems of criminal justice and
The realities of law enforcement
Civil rights of offenders
Searches of offender institutions;
Laws relating to correctional institutions;
Laws relating to stalking and aggravated stalking; and
Use of force.
Procedures in the field, specifically:
Gangs and cults;
Supervision of offenders;
Classification and receiving of offenders;
Transportation of offenders;
Crisis intervention;
Records of offenders in institutions; and
Games offenders play.
Skills of officers, specifically:
Writing of reports for correctional institutions;
Fire safety and use of emergency equipment;
Defensive tactics;
Introduction of restraints;
Physical conditioning; and
Training concerning active assailants.
Investigation, specifically:
Crime scene and evidence;
Investigation of narcotics and abuse of controlled substances;
Investigation of allegations of stalking and aggravated stalking; and Personality disorders and prevention of suicide.
Community relations, specifically:
Ethics for correctional officers
Cultural awareness;
Interpersonal communications; and
Public and media relations.
Miscellaneous subjects, specifically:
Modern correctional philosophy;
First aid;
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
Criminal justice system; and
Counter-terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
Course administration and examination.